Admissions - children aged 2 and over
As the Nursery Schools do not have a defined catchment area, all parents are eligible to register their child’s name at any time . An application form to register will need to be filled in.
For a registration form or any other enquiries regarding admissions, please email or by telephoning your school of choice: Peter Pan 01234 350864 or Cherry Trees 01234 354788.
All children will be considered fairly irrespective of gender, race or disability.
If there are more requests from parents than the number of places available then the following criteria will apply.
Criteria for admission
Children will be admitted from the day after they turn 2. Places are allocated according to:
- Looked After Children
- Children with an Education Care and Health Plan
- Those eligible for 2yr funding (the term after their 2nd birthday)
- Those entitled to 30 hours funding
- The age of the child, from the oldest age band first.
- Siblings of children within the Federation
- Children living within Bedford Borough
Our school is fully inclusive and our policies promote equality of opportunity for all children. We are pleased to offer any disabled pupil or pupil with individual needs a place at Bedford Nursery Schools Federation provided that those needs can be successfully met and if the supporting agencies feel that it is an appropriate placement.
Emergency admissions will be considered if places are available and where requests are made from social workers, health visitors or other professionals involved with the family. Places will be given at the discretion of the Executive Head Teacher in consultation with Governors and may need to take priority.
Children of those families who are entitled to 2yr old funding are eligible to access 15 hours education and care from the term after their 2nd birthday. (subject to the appropriate eligibility evidence being produced)
All children are entitled to 15 hours free education and wrap around care the term after their 3rd birthday.
There will be some flexibility about how these offers can be accessed, in discussion with the Executive Head Teacher.
Children in their reception year can be offered a full time place from the September of the academic year after their 4th birthday.
Consideration for a full time or part time place will always be based on the needs of the child.
Procedure for Admission
- Before starting at the nursery all parents will be offered a short visit to the nursery and a home visit. They will also be invited to attend one short parents meeting to meet staff and to get to know the school.
- Birth dates will be checked against the Birth Certificate and NHS number is recorded.
- Parents will be expected to stay in the nursery to support their child for an appropriate length of time, until the child is settled, but always for the first session as a minimum.
- Transfer from part time to full time will be undertaken within a time range appropriate to the needs of the child.
- It is the parent’s responsibility to register their child to undertake statutory education. The Local Authority will notify parents and the Nursery School when these applications need to be made.
- All children must either: enter lower or primary school the term after their 5th birthday or have arrangements made for other suitable education. Children within the nursery school are able to defer entry into school until this date. Parents need to notify the LA that they accept the place at lower or primary school but are deferring entry into school if they choose to do so.